What is DRM

Published on by Dream_lee

What is DRM

DRM is short for Digital Right Management, which is a kind of technologies to protect the copy right of some digital content and devices after sale. DRM is a set of access control technologies. Many companies like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, BBC, Sony, Google etc.are using DRM technologies.

However, the use of DRM technology is not accepted by most consumers. Some content providers claim that DRM is necessary to fight copyright infringement online. But to common consumers, DRM prevents them better accessing the digital content. They are limited to play, share, or convert the digital content.

Take iTunes movie for example. When we bought or rented movies from iTunes movie store, all the movie content are strictly DRM protected by Apple's Fairplay. We can play the content only in iTunes on our computer or watch the movies on Apple devices like iPhone, iPad, iPod etc.

It seems unfair for us. We have paid for it, but we don't have the full right to use it. Fortunately, there are many DRM removal software appearing these years. Even though they are not admitted by Apple or other content provider company, we can use it for personal and enjoy our digital life more colorful!

Published on DRM Knowledge

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